My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is a great book to read with your book club! I was hesitant to read it. The synopsis didn't really grab my attention. But I kept seeing good things about it over and over—on blogs, in library newsletters, etc. So when it came my turn to make the selection for our book club, I chose it and hoped for the best. I am so glad that I did! Nearly everyone in our group rated it a 4.5 and we had a great discussion.
The book does get off to a slow start, so be prepared to hang in there. But once the story gets going, it is hard to put the book down! There are a lot of characters in this story, and it takes awhile to get them all straight. If you are a reader who needs to have a 'good guy' character that you can relate to, you are not going to find it in this book. There are many 'villains' in this book, and most of those who aren't don't have much of a story line. And there are SO.MANY.TWISTS! I'm not sure I've read a book with more twists than this one. It will keep you guessing.
While I enjoyed the book a lot, I wasn't very happy with the ending. It wasn't as clear as I'd like, and I had to go back and re-read the last few chapters a few times to satisfy myself that I understood what had happened. Even worse, it is an 'open' ending. One of the characters has to make a decision, and you don't know what they will decide. I like my ending neatly tied up, and would have appreciated an epilogue that let me know what happened next. As the same time, I'm sure the author's intent was to make us decide what happened next, and the story probably has more impact with the open ending. It definitely makes for better discussion material!
The book should be a hit with book clubs. There are some great discussion points. You can start with 'who did you think did it?' and veer off into the moral and ethics questions and 'what would you have done?' You can find a reading guide on the publisher's website.
I read a copy borrowed from my library.
My rating: 4½ stars - ✭✭✭✭½
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