Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday Memes: Saving Grace

Every Tuesday Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where you can share the first paragraph, or a few, of a book you are reading or thinking about reading soon.

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along!

Today I am spotlighting Saving Grace by Jane Green

Grace and Ted Chapman are widely regarded as the perfect literary power couple. Ted is a successful novelist and Grace, his wife of twenty years, is beautiful, stylish, carefree, and a wonderful homemaker. But what no one sees, what is churning under the surface, is Ted’s rages. His mood swings. And the precarious house of cards that their lifestyle is built upon. When Ted’s longtime assistant and mainstay leaves, the house of cards begins to crumble and Grace, with dark secrets in her past, is most vulnerable. She finds herself in need of help but with no one to turn to…until the perfect new assistant shows up out of the blue.  To the rescue comes Beth, a competent young woman who can handle Ted and has the calm efficiency to weather the storms that threaten to engulf the Chapman household. Soon, though, it’s clear to Grace that Beth might be too good to be true. This new interloper might be the biggest threat of all, one that could cost Grace her marriage, her reputation, and even her sanity.  With everything at stake and no one to confide in, Grace must find a way to save herself before it is too late.

Powerful and riveting, Jane Green's Saving Grace will have you on the edge of your seat as you follow Grace on her harrowing journey to rock bottom and back.

    There are only so many hours Grace can stay away from home.
    Her husband’s car is still in the driveway when she pulls in, her heart sinking at the sight. As if she should be surprised. Where did she think he’d be going at six o’clock in the evening? It was the triumph of hope over experience, she thought to herself.
    Luck is not on her side today. It wasn’t on her side this morning when she woke up to hear a door slamming downstairs and her husband bellowing her name, and it isn’t on her side now.

My Teaser

  A woman appeared at the door. Middle-aged, although it was hard to determine. She had long, white hair pulled tightly back from her face in a bun, a face that was lived-in; sad.
page 56

So...what do you think? Is this one you would pick up? Leave a comment below!
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  1. This one leaves me curious Kim. Hope it is a winner for you.

  2. I would keep reading...and I did! I read this one a couple of months ago and loved it. Jane Green always manages to hook me with her characters and the issues she explores.

    Here's mine: “WHAT REMAINS”

  3. I read one of Jane Green's books several years ago and liked it very much... would give this one a try, too. Enjoy.

  4. I just finished this one...and I couldn't put it down. I'm still thinking about it.

    My Tuesday post: http://www.bookclublibrarian.com/2015/03/first-chapter-first-paragraph-97.html

  5. I'm going to have to check this out. You have left me very intrigued. Thanks for sharing! Here is my TT http://www.readinggrrl.com/2015/03/teaser-tuesday_10.html

  6. It grabs me, for sure. And a beautiful cover.

    This week mine is from a cozy mystery: http://pdworkman.com/excerpt-from-panthers-play-for-keeps-books-teasertuesday-amereading-mystery/

  7. I have been interested in this book, but have been reading a lot of mysteries exclusively. Yes, I'd keep going. :-)

  8. I love Jane Green's writing, so I would keep reading!

  9. I've heard good things about this book, I'd give it a go. Have a nice week. Kelley at the road goes ever ever on

  10. This isn't a book I'd have picked up in a bookshop but your intro and the blurb has intrigued me - these Tuesday posts are disastrous for my book buying addiction! Here is my post https://cleopatralovesbooks.wordpress.com/2015/03/10/4158/

  11. I really like Jane Green's books, but somehow, I hadn't heard of this one. I'll be checking it out though. Great tease! Here's my TT. happy reading!

  12. This is a new author for me. I may have to check this out.

  13. I have enjoyed her books so I would pick this one up to read.

  14. I think I saw this one some where else and thought I should put it on my to rad list. Girl Who Reads

  15. I haven't read a Jane Green in awhile....I like the intro and the premise!
