Tuesday, January 19, 2016

2016 Winter Mini-Bloggiesta Wrap-Up

Winter 2016 Mini-Bloggiesta was held this past weekend, so it is time to take a look at how I did towards my goals.
Here is the Bloggiesta ‘bucket list’ I worked from, along with comments on my progress.
  • Back up blog!!!
I backed up the blog and template. I am working on manually backing up any pages I would be heartbroken to lose!
  • Set up 2016 Reading spreadsheet
I have the spreadsheet set up, but I need to tweak some formulas. I’m not good at that part. If it doesn’t get done, there is nothing there that I really need. The tweaking process is more a ‘I want to figure this out’ thing that can wait.
  • Finish posting 2016 reading goals
This is finished, however I just realized I want to create a page for a long-term goal I have to read a biography about each US President. This will take decades!
  • Write and schedule at least 2 reviews
This is done...kind of. I have one completely done and ready to publish next week, The other I will finish after the book is discussed by my book club this weekend. There may be slight revisions, but they could be posted now if necessary.
  • Write and schedule at least 2 additional blog posts
I didn’t get this one done. I have a few posts started but nothing finished and scheduled.
  • Update review page to link all reviews and revise Title listing
This will take quite some time as I am so far behind. I did get 3-4 reviews cross-posted but still have another 20-25 to do. The most important thing I accomplished towards this is that I created a spreadsheet with check boxes to I can see what I need to accomplish!
  • Start February Reading Map post
This would be ready to go if today were the end of the month, but I’m sure I will revise it once or twice as I complete the book I am reading now and begin another.
  • Create one On My Radar post
Completed and posted!
  • Bookmark at least two mini-challenges to complete before the next Bloggiesta
I found two that I took a quick look at and want to look at more closely later this month.
  • Begin removing hot-links from blog posts
This is going to be a long, s-l-o-w process, but at least I have begun. I’m just going to have to take my time and work my way backwards, month by month. One thing I did spend some time on is learning how to organize my Picasaweb photos into folders so that I can insert images into my blog posts!
  • Continue with book inventory
This is another one that will take quite some time. I have books….books everywhere! I finished inventorying the books on shelves in my bedroom. I still have a family room full of book shelves (and books)! And then I can start on the boxes….boxes under beds….boxes in the basement...boxes of books everywhere! But I did make pretty good progres this weekend and I knew there was no way I could complete it in just a few days, so I feel pretty good about this one.

That’s it! I think I had a pretty successful Bloggiesta this time. How did you do? You can report your progress and check on how others did here. Be sure to block out time to participate in the week-long Bloggiesta coming up soon; March 21-27!
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  1. Congrats! Someday I hope to have the courage to back up the blog. It seems so complicated...

  2. It looks like you made a lot of progress even though you didn't get to everything you wanted to do. I always think I'll participate in Bloggiesta but when the time comes, I'm either too busy or too lazy or I just forget about it.

  3. Like Jenna said, even though you didn't get to everything, it looks as though you got a lot done! I'm impressed by your ambitious goals and by how many of them you got through :)
